Women of WoT



"When someone you can identify with invites you in, it’s one less hurdle to jump.“

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in the beer world?

I’m Rachel and I’m a Brewer at Heist Brew Co in Sheffield, where there are three of us on the brewery side, Iwork alongside Head Brewer Scott and Brewer Chris. We work on experimental craft beer, each of us playing a part in everything! Recipe ideas and design, physically brewing and packaging, even a bit of logistics and sales; we’re involved each step of the way. I’m still in the early stages of my career and finding my way in the beer world.

Rachel Green of Heist Brew Co.
Photo Credit: Ross Jarman (www.rossjarmanphoto.com)

You’ve spoken about your beer interest starting with cask ales and German lagers. Do you think this traditional grounding has had much influence on the beers you make? 

I do think it’s important to know the rules to break the rules, so things like the Reinheitsgebot have a time and place, but I also love the creative fun side that craft beer offers. I brewed a fairly traditional wheat beer for last Oktoberfest season which was so interesting to get right, but I also enjoy making beers that make you think twice – my favourite example of this is white stouts. Getting that full body and roasted flavour into a pale beer is a bit of a challenge as well, which makes it even more fun to brew! I think all beer has a time and a place and a person who will enjoy it. 

“It’s important to know the rules to break the rules (…) but I also love the creative fun side that craft beer offers.”

At Heist you’ve had the chance to explore your own unique interest in the brewing process with Related Theory, looking at hops from the same family and how they marry together. What’s the next brewing process/ingredient you’d like to delve into?

At the moment, I’m enjoying drinking more malt forward beers, so that’s reflected in the beers I would like to make. Through winter we released a couple of really exciting malt forwards beers, one in collaboration with Swedish brewery Stigbergets that used Chevallier Heritage malt to build a really traditional British ale base that we infused with lingonberry to represent both cultures. 

Sheffield has a thriving beer scene and some incredible women contributing to it. Having recently hosted an IWCBD brew day alongside Lost Industry, do you think having this community and representation helps encourage more women into the field?

Definitely, beer is all about bringing people together and a sense of community. This year was the first year that I’ve been in a position, professionally and pandemically, to open up the brewery to visitors. When someone you can identify with invites you in, it’s one less hurdle to jump. We named the beer Opening The Doors, as a nod to the women who have smashed through the barriers as well as welcoming in some brilliant women already in the industry and those looking to be involved. I say it often “If you can see her, you can be her” and visibility goes so far. Community building is the next stage in my opinion, and while there is a vast network of women in beer nationwide online, we’re still working on this locally.

Tell us about someone in the industry that inspires you, or just deserves a shout out?

I’ve always looked up to Jaega Wise at Wild Card (https://shop.wildcardbrewery.co.uk) and Julie O’Grady at Neptune (https://www.neptunebrewery.com), real powerhouses in progressing the beer scene and brewing industry in my opinion. It’s a bit mind-boggling to me that beers I’ve brewed will be pouring alongside Wild Card beers at The Disappearing Chin during the WOT festival. [Heist Brew Co vs. Wild Card Brewing Battle of the Brewers will be held Thursday 7th May at 19:30]

I also have to shout out the fantastic bar team at Heist Brew Tap, it’s great having a team that champion our beers and learn more at every opportunity!

Most important question.
What is your favourite beer you’ve made so far and what's your favourite beer to drink right now?

My favourite beer so far has to be the IWCBD Opening The Doors, an Espresso Martini White Stout. The memories of the brew day itself still make me smile, and I’m really pleased with how it’s tasting. My go-to for summer is actually Steiglbrauerei Grapefruit Radler, nice and refreshing at 2% abv but mostly I’ll just try anything that sounds interesting!


Buy Heist Brew Co Beers Direct: https://shop.heistbrewco.com/collections/store-heist-cans

Heist Brew Co’s Website: https://www.heistbrewco.com

Find out more about the Disappearing Chin’s Battle of the Brewers: https://thedisappearingchin.co.uk


Women of WoT


Women of WoT